Current Account

Syariah Concept


Type of Account
  • Individual
  • Joint
  • Ages 18 and above
  • Brunei Citizens / Permanent Residents / Foreign nationals with valid residency permit
  • Original Identity Card
  • Initial Deposit of $1,000.00
  • Minimum Daily balance $1,000.00
  • Proof of employment* (latest salary slip, letter of employment or valid Staff ID)
  • *required only for new customer opening account and any change to the employment (for existing customer)

For Foreign Nationals:

  • Original Valid Identification Card
  • Original Valid Passport
  • Employment Pass or Dependent Pass (Child / Spouse) - at least 3 months validity but expiry must be not less than 6 months
  • Letter of Employment / Contract agreement.
  • Satisfactory evidence of residential address such as rental agreement / water bill.
  • 24/7 ATM/CDM/MFM
  • E-statement, Mobile and Internet banking available
  • Cheque book facility is available

Product Disclosure Sheets
Malay English

Terms & Condition