Education Kit Financing

Syariah Concept
  • Tawarruq

This facility is to finance the purchase of equipment and its related accessories for educational purposes.

Financing Amount
  • Maximum financing amount of up to BND5,000.00
Financing Term
  • A maximum financing term of up to 6 years
  • Takaful Coverage
Basic Eligibility
  • Open to 18 years and above (not exceeding the retirement age or the academic term at the end of the repayment period)
  • Brunei Citizen and Permanent Residents
  • Employed with the Brunei Government and Private Sectors recognized by Perbadanan TAIB
  • A student in the Higher Educational Institutions or Universities
  • A fixed educational allowances for students
  • Net Disposable Income from as low as BND500
Basic Documentations Required
  • Completed Education Kit financing application form
  • Applicant’s valid Identification Card
  • Original copy of applicant’s latest three (3) month's salary slips or confirmation letter of educational allowance
  • Latest employment confirmation letter
  • Latest three (3) months bank statements (for salary with other financial institutions)
  • Latest quotations from authorized computer vendors
  • Latest certificate of balance and/or latest clearance letter (for salary with other financial institutions)
Product Disclosure Sheets
Malay English